February 16, 2012

sometimes i wish i never saw the die hard movies so that i could watch them all for the first time.

March 13, 2010


dear blog,

i'm writing to tell you about my new internet fiancee. today lisa accepted my internet proposal and the promise of internet love and an internet world of warcraft wedding (her actual response was 'i would take your hand in internet marriage and never sign off again')

[this blog post solidifies the truth of our engagement]


other internet related weddings:

March 1, 2010

i promise to write more often

dear blog,

oh my so much has happened since my last blog post i don't know where to begin.

December 25, 2009

November 11, 2009

lonely narcissist

i follow my own blog. i'm currently the only one doing so.

October 1, 2009


i like to eat and i like food reviews, so today i started a yelp account.

need direction.

September 30, 2009


plz visit the site i made for tim and upload your home-made tattoo: www.grimycharms.com


April 5, 2009

funny picture

i figure it's time to post something witty. that's what blogs are for. but instead i'll just find a 'humorous' photo.

actually, this is less funny and more something i want to be one day.

don't make fun of me.

February 1, 2009

oprah 2

i drank a couple beers tonight and tried to buy 'fuckoprah.com' but it was already taken. unfortunately someone is sitting on it and not allowing it to blossom to its full potential. fuck fuckoprah.com.

January 1, 2009


is this one of those blogs where you just post humorous links to things you find on the internet, thinking you were the first ever to view it? if so here's my submission:


yeah, laugh at that you perv.


October 15, 2008

blog title

its my first name and my middle name